Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stop the crazy "Dump Duncan Movement"

This dump Arne Duncan movement is crazy.  Duncan did not dream up the RTT.  In a serious conversation with him, he probably does not even recognize the inconsistencies with statements made by him or his boss.  In a serious conversation with him he probably does not recognize how bad times two RTT is compared to NCLB.  The American education system is broken and the pieces are being scattered and buried by corporate America.  Education is profitable if you own it.  The product is more profit not educated students or happy workers (teachers).  Why don’t we who claim to support students and teachers get this? Where are the unions who ought to be joining hands with the parents and Put an End to Standardized Testing (PEST) instead of tweaking and twisting something that is designed to be broken, so it can be bought lock, stock, and barrel in the name of reform.  Einstein was right about us who claim to want the best for students and the teachers who teach them, we are insane. Let’s do something different, all sing from the same page in each district, county, and state.  If Texas or Connecticut is protesting, let’s not tweet that they are protesting but start the protest with the same template wherever we are.  Do what I understand the National Rifle Association did with the “Stand Your Ground “Law, start a template movement.  All of us are wiser than individuals in the separate states.  And the fist is mightier than the separate fingers.

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