Thursday, December 29, 2011

Debut of the unpeculiar institution

Education is our right.  The right to educate all children is our mission.  The right to stand up to those who would obstruct our mission should be our goal.  Education should not be the Peculiar Institution of the 21st century.  We tweet on Twitter; have friends on Facebook, follow educators whenever they pontificate, but social media make it easy for us as educators to remain silent. We are now facing three critical issues and there are many more, but if we start somewhere and know where we are going, unlike Alice we can get there.  The issues are:  1.Changing the Pell Grant eligibility
2. Closing schools in the name of under-performing  and
3. Incessant standardized testing to tell us that test scores follow income and color
What we need is for the educators who have become the silent majority to choose an issue that they will follow, tweet about, tell your "Friends" about and form small groups to do something:  Protest, write your state and federal legislators, and join me by sending any information about educational issues that you think we should tackle if we want all Americans to have the basic right (not yet a Constitutional guarantee) of an education that prepare them to achieve their rights guaranteed by Article XVI of the Constititution.    Education is the sine qua non to achieve this constitutional guarantee.

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